Child B
Areas We Serve
  • Abington
  • Archbald
  • Atglen
  • Avondale
  • Bear Creek Village
  • Beech Mountain Lakes
  • Berwyn
  • Big Bass Lake
  • Blakely
  • Carbondale
  • Chadds Ford
  • Chase
  • Chesterbrook
  • Chinchilla
  • Coatesville
  • Cochranville
  • Conyngham
  • Dalton
  • Devon
  • Dickson City
  • Downingtown
  • Dunmore
  • Dupont
  • Duryea
  • Elverson
  • Exeter
  • Exton
  • Freeland
  • Glen Lyon
  • Harleigh
  • Harveys Lake
  • Hazleton
  • Honey Brook
  • Jessup
  • Kenilworth
  • Kennett Square
  • Kingston
  • Larksville
  • Lattimer
  • Laurel Run
  • Lehman
  • Lincoln University
  • Lionville
  • Little Britain
  • Luzerne
  • Malvern
  • Mayfield
  • Mocanaqua
  • Modena
  • Moosic
  • Moscow
  • Mountain Top
  • Nanticoke
  • Nuremberg
  • Old Forge
  • Olyphant
  • Oxford
  • Paoli
  • Parkesburg
  • Penn Lake Park
  • Philadelphia
  • Phoenixville
  • Pittston
  • Pomeroy
  • Scranton
  • Spring City
  • Taylor
  • Thorndale
  • Toughkenamon
  • Unionville
  • West Grove
  • West Hazleton
  • West Wyoming
  • Weston
  • Wilkes-Barre

our team In Action

  • “Aggressive & Fair!”
    Fellerman & Ciarimboli represented me in a Workers Compensation case. They did a great job for me!! Got me a lot more money than I ever thought. Very aggressive and fair. I highly recommend them!! Don't hesitate to call will be very happy!!
    - Stevin Z.
  • “I was in a bad accident and I had my daughter in the car with me. I highly recommend this firm.”
    I was in a bad accident and I had my daughter in the car with me. I highly recommend this firm. My attorney Myer Messinger was very compassionate and offered empathy with helping me and my daughter with the mental agony we experienced after the accident. Mr Messinger is very professional and knowledgeable. We sat for hours for the mediation and he fought to get me the best settlement
    - Enide Jerome
  • “I Am So Fortunate”
    “Molly was absolutely wonderful to work with-- she is so intelligent, caring, personable, and detail-oriented. Molly took the time to get to know me as a person rather than just getting to know my legal case, which made me feel really comfortable and confid”
    - Former Client
  • “The team of Fellerman & Ciarimboli did absolutely everything they said and kept me informed all along the way.”
    After being injured by a motorist while riding a bike, I met with Greg Fellerman. I was facing many missed weeks of work, and more medical bills then I have ever accumulated during my life to that point. I should mention Greg and I was classmates since grade school. I know his family and can speak well of his character. The team of Fellerman & Ciarimboli did absolutely everything they said and kept me informed all along the way. His staff right-hand person Lisa made sure to keep me in the loop during both the civil and criminal phase of the person who hit me. I was so well taken cared of that I almost felt coddled. I fully endorse this firm. Insurance firms are always trying to undercut and Greg and his team pushed back and spoke up for me giving me a voice otherwise not heard.
    - Kurt M.
  • “After calling Fellerman & Ciarimboli I was set up with Harry McGrath Jr. and he did very well at settling my insurance claims and medical claims.”
    In May of 2018, I was in an MVA sitting at a stop sign. I was t-boned by a driver going too fast for conditions and was hurt to the point of needing surgery on my shoulder and missing time from work. After calling Fellerman & Ciarimboli I was set up with Harry McGrath Jr. and he did very well at settling my insurance claims and medical claims. I would highly recommend them to anyone who got hurt in any kind of accident.
    - John K.
  • “Courteous, Friendly & Patient”
    “Although my case was small compared to others, I always felt like I was important to them. I truly feel they went above and beyond, especially Lisa, and my settlement far exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend them to anyone.”
    - Cathy A.
  • “At points in life when you need legal counsel, it eases your thoughts to know the professionals at Fellerman and Ciarimboli put a priority on yours and every client's case.”
    Have been a client over the years on several issues. I do believe they are the hardest working law firm not only locally but in the state of Pa. Not only have questions been answered on my litigation but have been informed every step of the way! At points in life when you need legal counsel, it eases your thoughts to know the professionals at Fellerman and Ciarimboli put a priority on yours and every client's case. There honest and genuine care speaks volumes and their reputation empowers it. At other law firms, your small case may be a "back burner" to the mega-dollar ones. But it seems to me you are at ease knowing that, you are just as important cared for and prioritized as the next client. I wholeheartedly am grateful for there hard work and exceptional professionalism. Accept nothing less than excellence!
    - Brian G.
  • “Outstanding and Knowledgeable”
    “My only choice when I need law advice!”
    - Greg S.
  • Our Clients Time is Valuable
    Every case is unique and we spend the time working hard on your case, so you can focus on everything else.
  • Experienced Trial Attorneys
    For 20 years our attorney's haven fought hard for clients and will not back away from a trial.
  • Ready and Available to Help You
    Schedule a free initial consultation with our team.
  • Our Results Make a Difference
    We've recovered hundreds of millions for our clients.
WALK-IN WEDNESDAYS 9:30am - 3:30pm Available Locations Honesdale | Berwick | Scranton If you need legal advice, come in and speak with one of our attorneys at no cost

Join us for Walk-In Wednesdays from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM at our convenient locations in Honesdale, Berwick, and Scranton. If you find yourself in need of legal advice, our dedicated team of attorneys is here to assist you at no cost. Take advantage of this opportunity to address your concerns and get the guidance you need. Your legal questions deserve answers – visit us on Wednesdays and let us help you navigate your legal matters with confidence.